(Geared towards correcting shit the world
first article; - My own criminal justice system ?
Second Article ? Have you got your tv license?
Here are some not so frequently
asked questions about this website.
1) What is the site about;
while ago, while strolling through the street on a particularly shit day,
surrounded by particularly shit people, and particularly shit things, I decided
enough was enough. I hate so much stuff on this earth, but rather than just let
my feelings ball up till they consume me completely, I decided to make a
website. This site isn?t just about complaining and saying how everything is
shit however, in fact far from it. What I intend to do is point out stuff that
is complete bollocks and actually make suggestions about how to correct things,
and do things about it. If you want to email me, my address is [email protected].
2) Who are you;
name is Chris, I?m from Leeds
3) What things are you into?
does that matter?
4) Can other people send things in?
they want.
5) Why are you angry?
I?m not, there?s just a lot of nonsense
in this world that needs correcting.
6) Why is this site so shoddy?
My computer skills are very, limited and
being a student, money is pretty tight so I can?t really afford to pay someone
to make it for me or pay for expensive hosting. Hopefully one day it might get
better, but whatever ? it doesn?t matter either way, there?s absolutely no need
for a flashy site.
7) Why are your articles so shit, and why
do you think you know everything?
I don?t mean to sound like ?I am an
objective authority and everything I say is right?, but if you don?t agree, go
fist yourself. These are my own opinions, I don?t have to bend and flex so
everything I say will please everyone.